2021 Leaderboard
Nate Wells
Species; White Seabass
Weight; 66.8 lbs
Diver; Nathan Minatta
Species; Bluefin Tuna
Weight; 205 lbs
Diver; John Eggers
Species; Spiny Lobster
Weight; Beast!
Largest speared fish of each species will be recognized at the end of the year.
Submit one fish at a time and make sure you have a photo and contact info for the witness of your weighed in fish. We leave the decision with you if you want to bleed and gut the fish. Submissions must be made within 30 days of the date of catch. Only paid NCDF members will be accepted. No sharks, rays, mola, or black sea bass will be accepted. The last day to submit a catch for the 2021 season is December 1, 2021.
After filling out the form send us an email with images of you with the fish on a digital scale with the fish and scale fully visible.